Grow your leadership gifts in community
Leadership does not happen in isolation. It involves followers. Jesus himself had 12 disciples, numerous men and women who supported and encouraged him, and crowds of 4,000 and 5,000 who were part of his ministry on earth. Among Jesus’ followers, and in fact, throughout the Bible, many types of leaders are found, each gifted and called in their own special, God-given way.
Leadership development does not happen in isolation either. It requires community, connection, collaboration, and commitment. For women especially, the process is deeply enriched by journeying with others who encourage, equip and empower one another in their growth as Christ-centered leaders, who in turn do the same for others.
The She is Called Leadership Collaborative (LC) is a one-year small group of 8-12 women who commit to grow as disciples and leaders by exploring their gifts and discovering their callings within their own unique ministry context. Meetings are in person or by video conference, depending on the location of participants. Most cohorts are regional, and led by a local facilitator who is trained and supported by the Women’s Transformation and Leadership (WTL) staff team.
The She is Called Leadership Collaborative focuses on three significant areas:
- Personal Leadership
- Organizational Leadership
- Multiplying Leadership
The one-year process includes the following:
- Monthly video Zoom conference (2 hours each)
- Monthly peer coaching pairs/triads (2-3 hours personal prep; 90 minutes of coaching together)
- In Person Retreat (around month 6, designed by the group)
Current Opportunities: 2020 Great Lakes She Is Called Leadership Collaborative.