Program Launch Date: October 2021
Please use the “Apply Now” link to submit your application. If your application has been approved, you will be given instructions to enroll. Use the link to enroll in the course to access the materials.
The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12, “The body is made up of many parts, but we are all part of one body … And those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.” Yet, for people with disabilities, the message that is often conveyed by church leaders, professors, and even doctors is, “We have no need of you.”
The Disability Advocacy Journey turns your passion into action! Together, we will learn from dynamic activists like Cyndi Jones about the historical ramifications for people with disabilities leading up into our modern context today. We will meet local activists who have been championing their regional areas to make improvements. And lastly, we will journey together to discover exactly how you can put your passionate heart into action.
Through three targeted cohort groups, you will learn about the resources it takes to get involved in advocacy, hear how others got things moving in their areas of expertise, and work with other students and a professional coach to help you achieve your goals to further the work of advocacy for people with disabilities in your community.
Why should I participate?
These cohorts will help you develop an awareness of past and present advocacy models for better advocacy engagement and achievement. You will help establish a community of advocates in your area who are passionate about disability advocacy. We will help you identify what resources you have available in order to further advocacy work at any given time, make strategic changes when disruptions happen, and push you to keep going even when failure occurs. Learn how to maintain disciplined attention to accomplish goals within a dedicated time frame.
Who is the Disability Advocacy Journey for?
- Any 18- to 30-year-old
- A leader who is passionate about social change and advocacy work
- Someone who is deeply committed even when things don’t always go as planned
- Anyone passionate about community
- Residents of West Michigan, northwest Iowa, or the Capital or Central Regions of New York

What can you expect from the Disability Advocacy Journey?
Tools and Resources
Access to fun, dynamic, and proven tools, games, and online resources. Any necessary, tangible resources will be delivered through the mail. All other digital resources will be made available through learning modules.
Online Learning
The online learning modules will help inform your understanding of historical advocacy work, equip you for upcoming sessions, and help you plan and execute your own advocacy work moving forward.
You will be assigned a coach from your region. This person serves as a regular touch point to process things you’re learning, help you when you get stuck, and hold you accountable so that you can achieve your goals!
Peer cohort groups
All of our learning will be processed together in your regional cohort groups. Each cohort will be made up of one coach and eight participants.
How to join the Disability Advocacy Journey
We are accepting applications for the cohort on a rolling basis. All applications will be reviewed by the August 30 deadline, and you will be contacted by one of our team members. For more questions related to the process, particular needs, or anything else, please email us at