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COVID-19 has expanded the horizon of digital ministry in ways none of us could predict. While we’re all hoping for a return to a “new normal,” take a minute to examine the big picture of digital ministry. What is the ecclesiology of digital and how does that play into the future of church? How might we utilize influencers and unleash digital missionaries? Digital is a powerful tool and requires strategy and vision. Join us on April 29th to learn how any church can leverage digital ministry to expand the kingdom and reach those far from God.
Webinar Leaders

Peyton Jones
I’m a husband, and dad to two amazing girls that I’m slowly corrupting to like all things Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and DC Comics. I’m also an author, church planter, Leadership trainer, podcaster, and writer. After serving as an assistant Pastor at a megachurch in Huntington Beach, Ca, I embarked to Europe where I spent 12 years as an evangelist at Lloyd-Jones’s church Sandfields, and as a church planter, and network leader. I founded New Breed Church Planting Network which continues to train front-line 1st century style apostolic church planters.

Chestly Lunday
Lunday is highly regarded as an international speaker, coach, and consultant helping people defeat futility in life and the workplace. Having given over 1000 unique presentations, he has worked with organizations like the Southern Baptist Convention, The Assemblies of God, and The Reformed Church in America as well as multiple businesses. As the founder and President of Aneeko, a leadership development organization training teens in Phoenix, Arizona, Chestly has over a decade of developing leaders from all walks of life. Chestly is on the cutting edge of innovation in the religious non-profit sector, currently launching KingCity, One of America’s first on-demand, digital churches. Chestly’s insights help leaders facing the prospect of futility in their lives and work, develop fulfillment and leave a lasting impact by consistently, intentionally practice the principles found in his Fulfillment Fundamentals.

Brian Phipps
Phipps is the founder and President of Disciples Made. Brian was the Next Steps (Disciple-Making) pastor at Westside Family Church for nine years where he developed Westside’s discipleship and leadership development pathway in which the Disciples Made experiences were created. The Disciples Made experiences incorporate a disciple-making “operating system” Brian designed called the Intentional Disciple-Making Environment. Brian has consulted with many churches in developing their disciple-making process and currently leads multiple cohorts of church leaders across the country. In addition to being a Next Steps pastor, Brian is also experienced as a church planter and senior pastor.

Myron Pierce
Pierce first and foremost is a family man, married to his wonderful wife Kristin. Together they keep life busy and exciting as they raise four beautiful children, Jericho, Judah, Jayce, & Presley. Myron previously worked with Abide and was a Pastor at Bridge Church in Omaha, NE. Myron currently leads a new church plant in inner-city Omaha called Mission Church. He graduated from Grace University with a degree in Biblical Studies and Business Leadership. He’s written two books, started two churches, three businesses, and a nonprofit entrepreneurial incubator. His life’s mission is to inspire hope in the heart of every person he meets. He’s taken the life-transforming power of Christ and his message of hope to thousands of people.

Jeff Reed
Reed has about 20 years experience serving the church in the digital/technological realm and loves working with churches. Through blogging, podcasting, speaking and social media, Jeff enjoys helping churches find a larger ministry purpose in Church Online. Coupled with his desire to create something new and his passion for disciple-making disciples, Jeff’s the perfect guy to spearhead a Digital Church Planting initiative. Jeff married his high-school sweetheart, Amy, and they have two kids a dog, and a bird. They live in Miami, Florida.
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